
Find everything you need to showcase Devfolio and its Devfolio partners companies across your hackathon's branding channels in this document. here. You will find logos for dark and light backgrounds, social media handles, and content to make announcements on your social media.

<aside> 👉 Note: Please use the relevant (given in this doc) content while making announcements to the sponsors on your social media platforms. Tag Devfolio, Polygon and ETHIndia handles on relevant platforms while posting and mention the relevant tier as well


Logos or branding assets of Devfolio & its partners are here.



Colored on light background

Colored on light background

White on dark background

White on dark background

Dark Grey on light background

Dark Grey on light background

Steps for Verification

Please make sure to add an ALT tag with “DEVFOLIO LOGO” so that it can be verified


Social Handles